def_init_S(self):'''Define the state space '''# all possible state self.nS = frozen_lake.n_row*frozen_lake.n_col self.S =list(range(self.nS)) self.state = self.cell2state(self.curr_cell)# define the terminal states: goal, holes self.goal_state = self.cell2state(self.goal) self.hole_states = [self.cell2state(h)for h in self.hole_cells] self.s_termination = self.hole_states+[self.goal_state]
其中 S 为状态集合,在代码中用env.S来表示, A 为动作集合,在代码中用env.A来表示。
Action(行动)是 Agent 可以在每个状态下执行的操作。在 Frozen Lake 中,Agent 有四种可能的行动:
上 (Up)
下 (Down)
左 (Left)
右 (Right)
这些行动会导致 Agent 从当前状态移动到相邻的状态(如果没有超出网格边界)。
def_init_A(self,)'''Define the action space ''' self.directs = [ np.array([-1, 0]),# up np.array([ 1, 0]),# down np.array([ 0,-1]),# left np.array([ 0, 1]),# right ] self.nA =len(self.directs) self.A =list((range(self.nA)))
Transmission Function (P)
Transmission Function(状态转移函数)定义了在执行某个行动后,环境如何从一个状态转移到另一个状态,以及每个转移的概率。
在 Frozen Lake 中,状态转移函数可以表示为 P(s′∣s,a),即在状态 s 执行动作 a 后转移到状态 s′ 的概率。例如,Agent从 (0,0) 点出发, (0,0) 为当前的状态 s,在执行向下移动的动作后,到达 (1,0),为新的状态 s′ 。
def_init_P(self):'''Define the transition function, P(s'|s,a) P(s'|s,a) is a probability distribution that maps s and a to a distribution of s'. '''defp_s_next(s,a): p_next = np.zeros([self.nS]) cell = self.state2cell(s)# if the current state is terminal state# state in the current state if s in self.s_termination: p_next[s]=1else:for j in self.A: s_next = self.cell2state( np.clip(cell + self.directs[j],0, frozen_lake.n_row-1))# the agent is walking on a surface of frozen ice, they cannot always# successfully perform the intended action. For example, attempting to move "left"# may result in the agent moving to the left with a probability of 1-ε.# With probability ε, the agent will randomly move in one of the # other possible directions.if j == a: p_next[s_next]+=1-self.epselse: p_next[s_next]+= self.eps / (self.nA-1)return p_next self.p_s_next = p_s_next
Reward(奖励)是 Agent 执行动作后从环境中获得的反馈。奖励用于指导 Agent 学习最佳策略,以实现其目标。
在 Frozen Lake 中,奖励机制通常如下:
到达目标状态(G):+1 分
掉入冰窟窿(H):-1 分
其余情况:0 分
def_init_R(self):'''Define the reward function, R(s') return: r: reward done: if terminated '''defR(s_next):if s_next == self.goal_state:return1,Trueelif s_next in self.hole_states:return-1,Trueelse:return0,False self.r = R